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Xara Web Designer 10 release notes

The cost of creating RWD websites

Creating multiple variants of a website can be a complex process. Do not underestimate the time and care required to create and then maintain RWD websites. This is as true of Web Designer 10 as it is for RWD created by any other method. Typically a web design firm or design contractor will charge 2 to 3 times as much for a RWD site as for a single conventional site, and that’s because it can easily take 2 to 3 times as long to develop and maintain. The process of taking an existing website and converting it to a RWD site will be time consuming and can be a complex process. You are in effect creating multiple websites, and just about every part of your page layout will have to be re-arranged for two or more variants.  The more variants you tailor your content for, the longer it will take to create and maintain. New RWD templates in the Designs Gallery
Templates marked with an (R) contain responsive variants, typically a narrow mobile variant.  Some have three variants aimed at ‘normal’, tablet and phone devices. If you do not want a variant, it’s easy to delete it. Just select the Website Variants dialog and Delete the variant you no longer want.