© Lorem ipsum dolor sit Nulla in mollit pariatur in, est ut
dolor eu eiusmod lorem 2014
Say hello to
Responsive sites
This is the Vue template unchanged, apart from the
text on this page. The remainder of the site keeps
the pseudo-latin filler text. Click the links above to
see a variety of alternate page layouts. To view the
responsive nature of this website, vary the width of
the browser, and you’ll see at certain breakpoints
the page layout is re-arranged to suit different
The Mobile layout uses a larger font size and single
button navigation, to enhance the experience on
small screen mobiles.
The key factor of Responsive Website Design is that
only one HTML file is used for all the variants, so the
switches can be instant, there is no necessity to re-
load an alternate layouts from the server. In this
example the content is the same on all variants, only
the layout and presentation of the content varies,
depending on the width of the target browser.
Excepteur aute est?
Velit, dolore proident nostrud
dolore aliqua in. Anim non
duis. Nulla fugiat nostrud
proident, sunt velit deserunt
voluptate irure ea excepteur,
dolore ipsum exercitation
tempor cupidatat et dolore
laboris. Ea duis, excepteur, sint
ex minim excepteur ad velit,
irure officia mollit magna
aliquip mollit nostrud cillum
tempor est.
Veniam nisi in pariatur
eiusmod aliqua laboris velit
adipisicing culpa aliquip ex
irure nostrud incididunt,
tempor exercitation eiusmod.
Pariatur consectetur aliqua
quis, ut tempor veniam, nulla
aute, in culpa, ut proident
deserunt quis in culpa. Dolor
consequat consectetur anim
non, est nisi exercitation irure.
Occaecat magna esse ad enim pariatur
Veniam amet anim exercitation dolor, occaecat
deserunt ullamco dolore labore: Consequat, ut
veniam dolor consectetur sit ullamco reprehenderit.
Proident quis dolore, culpa enim. Eiusmod labore
Magna aliqua consectetur
Dolor non velit occaecat ut ullamco fugiat amet qui
ex dolor ex eiusmod sit sint dolor incididunt. Labore
ut dolor aliquip dolore laboris ut quis labore, ex
ipsum. Sunt fugiat do in, eu elit qui eu sed pariatur
ut cillum mollit. Pariatur voluptate pariatur quis
veniam eiusmod consequat.
Officia lorem elit eiusmod ut ut non
Et deserunt aute incididunt id cillum id cillum. Ad,
sint veniam nisi elit exercitation. Dolore ad amet
dolore! Elit, aliquip ullamco eiusmod ex?
Consectetur nulla ullamco amet adipisicing proident
ullamco, fugiat sed aliquip enim officia minim in
quis sint.
“This website is based on one of
a number of new Responsive
templates, in this case one
called Vue. It has three variants,
aimed at desktop, tablet and
narrow mobile phone browsers.”