Document made using only Xara Page & Layout Designer and no other graphics or software tools.
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Read Me First
This is a short tutorial, and a working document you
can experiment on.
1) The Designs Gallery
You can see all the document templates and
graphics that are available when you purchase
the product by moving your mouse pointer over
the ‘Designs Gallery’ label on the right side of the
The Designs Gallery content is separated into folders,
open a folder by clicking the folder icon or double-
clicking the folder name. Items shown in blue folders
can be opened and those in red folders are available
immediately after purchase.
2) Edit the Named Colors
Move the mouse pointer over the left end of the Color
line at the bottom of the screen and right-click on any
of the square color patches. Select ‘Edit’ to display the
color editor, and you can now edit your document’s
theme or ‘named’ colors. You might notice the header,
footer, even the text headings always remain shades of
the color you choose.
3) Edit the text
Click the big T icon on the left set of tools (the Text
Tool). Now click on any text and start editing. Try
editing this text, or the white headings at the top of this
When using the Text Tool, the top bar (called the
InfoBar) allows you to change font, size, Style. The ABC
icon is a spell checker control. Text editing is like any
word processor, for example, drag to select text.
4) Re-arrange your objects
Now let’s try some object moving and resizing. Choose
the Selector Tool (the large arrow at the top) and drag
on the photo on this page. See how the text flows
around it. Try dragging on the large page heading.
To resize an object drag on one of the corner handles
shown around the selected object. Try it on the pale
flower symbol at the bottom of this page. Click on it
with the Selector arrow, then drag a corner handle.
This flower and the page headings are special in one
other way - they are ‘Repeating Objects’ and appear at
the same position on every page of your document.
More details on this later.
To rotate an object click on it again so you get rotate
handles in the corners. Drag on these to rotate the
object. Try it with the petal shape, or one of the text
headings, or the above photo. This way you can easily
move, resize and rotate just about anything on the
This photo is set to repel text around it, as you can see
if you drag it around.
An introduction
Document made using only Xara Page & Layout Designer and no other graphics or software tools.
Page 2
5) Customizing your photos
To add a photo to any page, simply drag and drop a
photo file from the Windows File Explorer. If you drop
the photo on the page or on top of some text, it is
added as a new photo.
If you drop the photo on top of an existing photo, it will
replace that photo. Try it on one of the photos in this
Try the Photo Tool to enhance your photos. Select the
Camera tool from the left tool bar. Now click on any
photo and, using the controls on the top InfoBar,
adjust the various settings such as brightness, color,
etc. The last slider control alters the blur / sharpen.
This picture frame is one of many available in the
Designs Gallery (see Page Elements > Photo Elements
> Photo Frames).
Repeating Objects
It’s common to have some items which are the same
on all pages of your document. The heading text, the
header design, and the page footer in this document
are good examples.
These are called ‘Repeating Objects’ and have a small
flower symbol, like this, shown in the top right corner
when they are selected.
It’s easy to create your own repeating object. Try
adding an object to this page, say a photo, or draw a
rectangle, or perhaps some clipart. Using the Selector
Tool select the item and the menu: Arrange
on all pages.
In the Page Gallery on the right you can see the item is
now repeated at the same position on all pages. If you
change it, all copies are updated.
If you edit the text of the footer of this page you’ll see
the edits are reflected across all pages.
Text Tool
You can create three types of text object. On a blank
area of the page you can:
Click and just type. This creates a simple, single
line text object.
Click and drag rightwards to create a text
column, and type. You can drag the ends of the
column to adjust the width.
Click and drag diagonally to create a text area.
Text Areas & Columns
When text overflows the bottom of a text area you see
a 'flow arrow' that you can drag to any other empty text
frame to create a flowing text story. Or click on the
overflow arrow and turn on the option to create new
pages automatically. Now when your text area
overflows, a new page is added for your text to flow
onto. The text areas in this document are set to
automatic, so if you overflow page 4 with text you will
see page 5 get created.
Document made using only Xara Page & Layout Designer and no other graphics or software tools.
Page 3
You can ask Page & Layout Designer to arrange your
text areas for you, to quickly make a 1, 2, 3 or more
column page. Right click in the text and choose
Columns... Enter the number of columns you want and
the gap between them. Press Convert and the text
areas on the page are reformatted. If other pages in
the document have exactly the same layout, you’ll be
asked if you want to make the same formatting change
to those other pages.
Text flow around
To make any object repel text, right-click on it with the
Selector Tool and select Repel text under. Now, as you
move the object around the page, it repels text.
You can also anchor graphics to text. This means that
the graphic can move with the text.
The small flower graphic on
the left is an example -
add a few empty lines
into the paragraph
above to see it
move down. You
can also embed
any object into text
as if it were a
character. Here’s that
same flower symbol
, but this time it’s
embedded inline. To embed
an object just select and copy it (Ctrl+C),
place the text caret where you want it and paste
Text Styles
When using the Text Tool there is a Style drop-down
menu on the InfoBar, that shows a list of Text Styles
used in this document. ‘Normal text’ is the main body
text of this document, and there are several heading
styles. The ‘Heading 2’ style is the one used on top of
this paragraph and others. To update the appearance
of all such headings, just select one heading, make the
required changes, such as font, size, color, etc. and
then in the Style drop-down select Update style.
Page selection and view
The Page & Layer Gallery is shown on the right side
of the window. Just click a thumbnail to move to the
required page. Click the small triangle next to each
page thumbnail to expand the Gallery to show the
layers on the page.
Re-ordering and renaming
Just drag the page thumbnail in the
Page & Layer Gallery to re-order. To
name a page, first select the page by
clicking on it, and then perform a second
click on the small page name shown on
the bottom of each page thumbnail.
Adding or removing pages
If you want to create a new page
similar to the current one, just
click this icon on the top bar. (Or the
Edit > Pages menu.) If you want to add a
new page from the templates in the
Designs Gallery, just drag the page
design onto the current document.
Adding a page number
To add a page number (as shown in the footer), place
the text cursor, right click and select Insert -> Page
Google fonts
To access any of the 600+ Google Fonts, in the Text Tool
click the font drop-down list and then in the Google
fonts section click the Add link to show the Google font
picker (this will take a few seconds the first time it’s
Document made using only Xara Page & Layout Designer and no other graphics or software tools.
Page 4
The Google font picker allows you to filter by style,
weight etc. You can preview the fonts on the right, and
use the size slider at the top to adjust the preview size.
The best quality Google fonts are hand-tuned to look
good at small sizes (e.g. body text). Select the ‘High
Quality Body’ check box to list those.
Other Tools
Let’s explore some of the other tools and features of
Designer. You can try these things on the ‘speech
bubble’ graphic below right. Remember for most
operations you must select the item first (click on it
using the Selector Tool).
Change its color: Drag a color from the Color Line
below onto the shape. Or try the Color Editor (Ctrl+E).
Change its size, position, angle: Using the Selector
Tool just drag on the 4 control points around the
Give it a soft shadow: Select the Shadow Tool, and
drag on the bubble shape. Adjust the controls using its
Give it a graduated color fill: Select the Fill Tool
(paint tin icon), and drag across your shape. Drag the
ends of the arrows to adjust. Try dropping a color on
the ends of the fill arrow. Or select an arrow end and
try the Color Editor (Ctrl+E).
Make it semi-transparent: Select the Transparency
Tool (wine glass) and adjust the transparency value
using the slider at the top. Better still: In the
Transparency Tool, drag across the object. You’ve just
given it a graduated transparency.
Edit Shape: This is a little more advanced. Select the
shape, go into the Shape Editor Tool (on the flyout
menu of the fifth tool down). Then drag on one edge of
the shape, or on one of the small control points. If
you’ve used vector ‘bezier’ editing tools you’ll be
familiar with this.
Publish your document for all to see
The final stage is to print or publish your document.
You can create a PDF to send to people (see below) or
use the unique ‘Web Document’ publishing feature of
Page & Layout Designer.
This creates an exactly accurate web version of your
document, and publishes it on the web. You can use
your own web space, or use the free web space
To preview your web document, click this ‘Preview’ icon
on the top bar. Select File > Publish Web Document
to put this document on the web and get a link you can
PDF Export
If you want to send you document to someone
else, or get it commercially printed, you can save
it as a PDF by selecting File > Export.. and then
set the Save As Type to be PDF.
For commercial printing use the PDF/X option.