New Photo Tools

Photo Healing

A simple but incredibly effective tool that can be used to erase spots, scratches and blemishes from photos. In fact it can be used like a ’paint brush’ for the Magic Erase tool, so you can erase even quite large features from your photo with amazingly seamless results.

Background Erase

A really quick, easy and effective way of cutting complex objects out of photos, so you can place them on alternative backgrounds.

Mask Painter Tool

With the new mask and region tools it couldn’t be simpler. With the region painter tool you can draw a selection region to apply effects to (eg change the brightness or contrast) or you can use the mask painter tool to protect an area from being altered.

New Photo FX Plug-ins

11 all-new photo plug-ins for a dazzling array of creative photo effects.
Girl removed from background using the Healing Tool
Shadow side of face lifted using the Mask Painter Tool

Multi column text

Designer Pro X9 introduces a direct and easy way to create multi-column flowing text areas. Simply right click in the selected text and choose Columns to open the dialog.  You can convert a single text area into multiple linked ones or, if there are already multiple linked columns in a set, you can adjust the column count.

Text flow & page creation

Designer Pro X9 can now act like a word processor, so that when text flows off the bottom of one page (or out of a text area) it automatically creates a new page (a copy of the previous layout) and flows text into this new page.

Page Numbers and Page & Column Breaks

It’s easy! Right click > Insert and you can add page numbers (with a selection of number styles) or insert a column or page break.  Inserting a column break will move the following text to the start of the next column, inserting a page break will move the following text to the start of the following page.

Word Import & Export (beta)

V9 includes import/export filters for Microsoft Word .docx file format.

Web Documents

Designer Pro enables you to publish a perfectly accurate WYSIWYG web version of your print documents, compatible with all modern web browsers, phones and tablets, no plug-ins required. By producing a completely accurate paginated web document, anyone on-line, including phone and tablet users, can quickly swipe through all the pages. So if you want to share print documents with friends, colleagues or customers, confident that they’ll see an accurate copy of your document, you no longer need to create and send PDFs nor worry about the quality of their PDF reader - you can just publish to the web (and of course a free hosting deal is included with Designer Pro).

New Text Features

Amet sint dolore sed in velit. Sed adipisicing est excepteur,   minim ea ut eu. Non lorem exercitation nostrud, lorem consectetur est enim ut et in in adipisicing. Eu incididunt reprehenderit magna mollit nisi dolor enim duis elit nulla do mollit cupidatat mollit ipsum in dolor. Fugiat ipsum, ex velit duis elit dolor  Labore velit do est in, laboris dolore ut commodo fugiat ipsum nisi est exercitation commodo est irure sunt veniam. Ex excepteur in proident. Tempor dolor ut enim dolor dolore adipisicing in anim occaecat ex ea adipisicing dolore commodo aliqua labore officia in. Reprehenderit enim culpa labore sit pariatur esse enim incididunt. Amet et sunt. Cillum irure ut dolore ad anim exercitation. Dolor in nulla reprehenderit labore lorem ut eu esse, quis sunt eu in, cillum, sint, pariatur non consectetur. Aliqua culpa sed eiusmod pariatur eiusmod minim ut in ut laboris sunt! Cillum in sit non commodo deserunt aliquip tempor aliquip. Sed voluptate lorem officia, magna aliqua in. Anim ullamco ut et dolore laboris aliquip cillum, ullamco sed, aliquip enim dolore.   Et eiusmod anim esse nostrud sunt culpa velit pariatur irure in sint eiusmod. Duis excepteur duis in ut aute velit nulla pariatur duis ipsum, dolore non minim labore cupidatat? Est nulla dolore labore, do ut. Consectetur qui est excepteur est nostrud lorem aliqua, pariatur id aliqua.  Mollit tempor voluptate officia. Velit ut aliqua excepteur. Cupidatat ad dolor officia commodo irure, enim ullamco velit, qui deserunt veniam elit laboris sit veniam consequat adipisicing tempor. Nulla magna ut cupidatat, duis quis culpa amet velit officia duis laboris. Dolore sunt irure deserunt reprehenderit dolor ad ut ut aliqua. Culpa consequat est, ex esse reprehenderit, in exercitation magna reprehenderit in nisi voluptate eu in tempor deserunt? Consequat sit magna anim ullamco sunt, officia aliqua nostrud proident non sunt amet. Elit labore excepteur ut deserunt est.   Sint commodo velit tempor non aute, labore laboris incididunt. Ut culpa officia adipisicing. Sit, in mollit, ex sunt nostrud aliquip cillum adipisicing proident ex, qui amet officia. Est esse labore aliquip, aliqua veniam sed commodo ut esse tempor sed cillum, sint consectetur. Ea id sit pariatur Cillum voluptate consectetur ad nisi proident id elit sed. Labore eiusmod, enim sunt elit in commodo ut sint proident in eu ullamco occaecat minim exercitation ad cupidatat. Tempor anim dolor incididunt aliqua. Quis ut nostrud adipisicing magna ullamco. Reprehenderit, anim consectetur ea. Aliquip fugiat, tempor excepteur deserunt, ullamco aliqua, fugiat ut adipisicing dolor sint! Dolore ut ut deserunt cupidatat nulla dolor exercitation dolore irure, dolor proident, ut exercitation.   Officia cillum ex do deserunt cillum quis labore. Et velit reprehenderit consequat aute laboris voluptate non. Dolore non elit, dolor sed cupidatat magna voluptate eiusmod id enim mollit exercitation ut irure dolore? Lorem duis sit ut est aliquip dolor elit enim ipsum proident do nisi fugiat.   Dolor exercitation do duis excepteur. Excepteur ullamco cillum labore ex ea occaecat sit officia commodo. Incididunt irure magna. Est nulla cillum duis fugiat tempor. Cillum ex tempor. dolore duis mollit ipsum in cillum ea irure, sit do, enim eu sint elit ut. . Amet sint dolore sed in velit. Sed adipisicing est excepteur,   minim ea ut eu. Non lorem exercitation nostrud, lorem consectetur est enim ut et in in adipisicing. Eu incididunt reprehenderit magna mollit nisi dolor enim duis elit nulla do mollit cupidatat mollit ipsum in dolor. Fugiat ipsum, ex velit duis elit dolor  Labore velit do est in, laboris dolore ut commodo fugiat ipsum nisi est exercitation commodo est irure sunt veniam. Ex excepteur in proident. Tempor dolor ut enim dolor dolore adipisicing in anim occaecat ex ea adipisicing dolore commodo aliqua labore officia in. Reprehenderit enim culpa labore sit pariatur esse enim incididunt. Amet et sunt. Cillum irure ut dolore ad anim exercitation. Dolor in nulla reprehenderit labore lorem ut eu esse, quis sunt eu in, cillum, sint, pariatur non consectetur. Aliqua culpa sed eiusmod pariatur eiusmod minim ut in ut laboris sunt! C
Duis elit cillum dolor aliquip. Proident deserunt, laboris ut proident nisi duis. Occaecat consequat eiusmod excepteur ullamco enim lorem excepteur, reprehenderit ad dolore eiusmod in veniam in in esse magna esse. Amet aliqua consectetur commodo ex lorem dolor culpa ipsum enim cillum. Ullamco irure laboris minim. Minim esse sint ex, mollit aute culpa sed consectetur. Tempor, nisi commodo enim cillum ut nulla duis pariatur. Deserunt incididunt ut tempor non nisi do fugiat nostrud reprehenderit culpa laboris veniam irure dolor aliqua quis ut adipisicing. Anim exercitation sint reprehenderit consectetur adipisicing proident minim est anim cupidatat ut excepteur.Deserunt cillum esse ad. Deserunt id ipsum fugiat eu sit et ea exercitation irure ad dolor tempor ex exercitation, qui est? Nisi ea veniam commodo deserunt irure aliquip esse. Voluptate ut duis reprehenderit ad sunt ut dolor elit quis consequat adipisicing, irure ut esse, elit sed. Velit, adipisicing, mollit deserunt sunt ex aliqua dolore, ut
adipisicing aliquip magna ea ex id ullamco irure nostrud? Ipsum id dolore proident enim culpa dolor, in magna ea. Aliqua cupidatat in consectetur nostrud, lorem deserunt cupidatat deserunt esse nulla amet sit: Adipisicing incididunt nostrud. Magna aliquip duis ad. In dolore ad exercitation. Ad tempor labore dolore dolore ullamco lorem proident minim consectetur aliquip est sint pariatur do adipisicing. Veniam, do
exercitation, ullamco cillum duis ipsum nulla dolor fugiat voluptate sed velit proident esse, laboris excepteur aliqua. Dolore eiusmod magna! Duis minim mollit qui.Sit id in irure, ex nostrud commodo lorem eiusmod tempor, consequat amet ut tempor dolor excepteur consectetur. Exercitation elit ut excepteur amet. Magna aliqua aute magna quis amet adipisicing quis aliqua, pariatur mollit ea dolor pariatur aute? In mollit exercitation nostrud anim minim in amet quis magna tempor. Cupidatat in ut cillum dolore velit ut ad adipisicing reprehenderit in tempor. Nulla ex elit, ex cupidatat aliquip adipisicing minim officia? Pariatur lorem non ex, qui cillum consectetur irure ullamco, fugiat ullamco cillum. Nostrud aute cupidatat
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occaecat lorem non minim sunt in sunt? Duis ad sit duis aute duis sed consectetur dolore consectetur dolor esse, anim mollit in irure. Mollit tempor anim officia cillum aute voluptate dolor eiusmod et anim et ut, cillum qui in? Eu mollit ex consectetur amet, ut elit.
minim sint dolore ex sed sint nostrud aute, ullamco reprehenderit. Tempor ipsum dolor dolore et irure pariatur enim esse. Lorem, adipisicing et voluptate reprehenderit est ipsum et.Nulla consequat quis cupidatat exercitation nulla ut dolore ut
minim in amet quis magna tempor. Cupidatat in ut cillum dolore velit ut ad adipisicing reprehenderit in tempor. Nulla ex elit, ex cupidatat aliquip adipisicing minim officia? Pariatur lorem non ex, qui cillum consectetur irure ullamco, fugiat ullamco cillum. Nostrud aute cupidatat ea officia ex irure culpa cupidatat sint laboris eiusmod. Esse, ullamco, ex et aute nostrud lorem duis, tempor exercitation sit.Voluptate veniam, commodo laboris velit culpa nulla, non mollit,
lorem qui ullamco. In cupidatat commodo deserunt id anim sit quis nostrud aliqua velit nisi ut qui culpa et aute esse in. In, nulla irure fugiat ad commodo veniam esse, commodo deserunt adipisicing dolor adipisicing voluptate.
aliquip nisi ad. Cupidatat, ea consectetur deserunt ad elit reprehenderit minim sint doloreUllamco adipisicing consequat, fugiat dolore qui aliqua excepteur ipsum in magna dolor dolore sit ullamco. Tempor esse in in nulla non cupidatat nostrud esse eiusmod sint nulla non. Aute duis
New font picker 
We have fully integrated Google Web Fonts in Designer Pro X9. And it’s easy to add Google fonts from their full 600+ list,  simply browse and search through the font list, including font previews at any font size, select and automatically download and install any font in your Windows computer.
Right click for a new menu that lets you edit the backdrop or page color A new Designs Gallery section contains a selection of drag ‘n’ drop background designs Supports the new drag ‘n’ drop re-coloring methods for easy re- coloring (see below) Efficient tiling texture backgrounds Fixed backgrounds (stay fixed as the page scrolls over the top)

Improved page background handling

‘M’ hosting option & simpler publishing

All Designer titles include 500 Mbytes of MAGIX Online World web hosting space for free, and requires no configuration, just a simple sign-in. Designer Pro X9 has an enhanced ‘M’ hosting package with 2GB of space and a free top level domain.

NavBar replacement

You can now replace the complete design of a NavBar with an alternative design from the Designs Gallery by just dropping the new design onto an existing NavBar.
Original NavBar
Replacement NavBar
Color matched, replaced NavBar

New Web Features

Improved HTML5 & CSS3 compatibility

Graphic features such as background panels, rectangles, rounded rectangles, and objects with shadows are now exported as native HTML5, providing a more efficient and faster website download. .
600+ fonts
Features that now export as HTML5/CSS3 include: Rectangles, rounded rectangles, with optional simple outline, linear graduated fill (single or multi-stop) and simple flat transparency Rotated or skewed rectangles Box Shadows (black or colored shadows) Text with shadows Page backgrounds, simple grad fills or more complex ones made up from tiling textures

Object re-coloring

Designer Pro X9 introduces a much improved way of re-coloring clipart, or anything made from a group of vector artwork, such as buttons, NavBars, text panels, headers and the new backgrounds.

Retina® screen compatibility

Designer Pro X9 automatically creates high-resolution photos and web graphics for you. The web pages are smart and only load the correct resolution graphics for the browser being used.

New Web Features

Automatic object positioning & page resize

You can now add, edit and remove text in any part of the page,  all affected page elements now automatically grow and shrink to accommodate the changes.

Google Analytics

This free service from Google is the industry standard method of tracking website visitor numbers and a range of

other useful statistics. Simply copy and paste your tracking code into the new Analytics tab of the Web Properties

dialog (a free Google Analytics account is required).


New Templates

New web themes

Xara Business Park Hemel Hempstead HP2 6EX England Phone: 0000 12345-0 Fax: 0000 12345-100 12345 VAT Reg.No.DE 123456789  Bank Account number: 123456789 Sort code: 123 456 789 Xara Business Park I Hemel Hempstead I HP2 6EX  Receiver address (can be several lines) P.O Box including number or Street address (do not use for large customer addresses) Zip code and destination   Subject: (2 lines below address or information)   Salutation (2 lines below subject)  Text (1 line below salutation) .....              If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.  Best regards,      Your name   1 enclosure  MyWebsite.com MyWebsite.com With Compliments t: 01234 000000    f: 01234 000000    m: 01234 000000    e: sales@web.web Unit 2, Xara Business Park, Gaddesden Industrial Estate, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire HP2 6EX t: 01442 000000 f: 01442 000000 m: 01442 000000 e: sales@web.web www.xara.com John Doe Managing Director Business Park Gaddesden Industrial Estate Hemel Hempstead Hertfordshire HP2 6EX Xara Business Park Hemel Hempstead HP2 6EX England  Phone: 0000 12345-0 Fax: 0000 12345-100 12345 VAT Reg.No.DE 123456789   Bank Account number: 123456789 Sort code: 123 456 789 Xara Business Park I Hemel Hempstead I HP2 6EX  Receiver address (can be several lines) P.O Box including number or Street address (do not use for large customer addresses) Zip code and destination   Subject: (2 lines below address or information)   Salutation (2 lines below subject)  Text (1 line below salutation) .....              If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.  Best regards,      Your name   1 enclosure  With Compliments Company Name Unit 2 Xara Business Park Gaddesden Industrial Estate Hemel Hempstead Hertfordshire HP2 6EX  t: 01234 000000 f: 01234 000000 m: 01234 000000 e: sales@web.web John Doe Managing Director Business Park Gaddesden Industrial Estate Hemel Hempstead Hertfordshire HP2 6EX  t: 01442 000000 f: 01442 000000 m: 01442 000000 e: sales@web.web www.xara.com
Logotype Logotype Logotype

New print themes

New logo designs


New Widgets

A range of new widgets

Designer Pro X9 includes a number of new widgets (third party interactive objects you can place on your website, adding useful features & functionality and/or a bit of pizzaz!). Just drag them from the Designs Gallery (in Page Elements & Widgets)  onto your page to place and configure the widgets. Google AdSense is a flexible, hassle-free way to earn revenue by hosting relevant ads alongside your website content (Page Elements & Widgets > Other Widgets). Google+, a button and badge widget. Bring more traffic to your site by encouraging  visitors to share your page with other members of the Google+ network (Page Element & Widgets > Social Networking Widgets). Plus there’s a new table widget, for creating simple sortable tables from csv data. (Page Elements & Widgets > Other Widgets).

Table Widget

Six new photo related widgets

Available from Designs Gallery > Page Elements & Widgets > Photo Elements & Widgets > Photo Slideshows These provide a range of slick photo effects using Javascript and CSS animations for your website (compatible with all modern browsers including tablets and phones).

New Website Backdrops

‘Infinitely wide’ effects with, for example, graduated fills, bars and/or textures stretching across the whole of the website background, are increasingly popular. In Designer Pro X9 the Designs Gallery contains a new collection of  color and resolution editable graduated fills, repeating bar designs and tiling textures. Perfect for trendy full width backgrounds.